Vallejo New Designed Game Colors
Vallejo 'Inspiring Experience'

A message from Spain;
At the beginning of 2020, Acrylicos Vallejo decided to change course in the company's strategy, which is starting to see the light today.
Since Amadeo Vallejo founded the company in 1965 in New Jersey before returning to Spain, its main activity has always been the production of acrylic paints; from the late 1960s for animation studios, the first acrylics for fine art were produced in the 1970s, until the early 1990s reached the first ranges for modeling.
In 2022, Vallejo takes another turn to consolidate itself as the global benchmark for water-based acrylics. And he wants to achieve this by improving the formulation of his paint and forging new emotional bonds with the end customer.
“Getting rid of our old identity was a step that cost us a lot, but according to the result, we should have taken it much sooner. We are no longer a black and white brand, we are a melting pot of colors… our reason for being.” Alexander Vallejo, CEO of Vallejo.
Vallejo is one of the few brands that makes its own acrylic paint, in fact, it has been doing so for over 50 years. This makes it a unique source of experience and insight into customer needs. In another sense, Vallejo has traditionally been a brand that has been and is very present in the creative processes of many artists and modellers, often a "facilitator" of their inspiration. For this reason, the new brand positioning is included in the slogan: “Inspiring Experience”.
The axis that articulates the brand strategy stems from the main values: know-how , proximity , experience and quality . Strangely enough, Vallejo is seen as a close-knit company, but this is mainly due to the extensive distribution network. For this reason, the main challenge that the company takes on is to be close ... real, that is, to build relationships with its users that go beyond what is purely commercial.
Visually, it should be noted that the logo is now based on two colours, the traditional black (associated with quality and experience) and the green-blue Lake Blue (which appeals to know-how and innovation). When the focus is on the logo, a personalized typography can be seen, taking into account the imperfections and idiosyncrasies of a family business that has made it a world reference. Although the most relevant aspect of the new visual identity is that Vallejo now has a symbol. The previous brand had a complex composition due to its square shape. This meant that the spaces were not being used properly and had readability issues in the digital world.
Since the brand area is the inspiration, the symbol was sought to be a container of it. The fact that Vallejo is one of the few paint brands that produces its own paint was a special feature that had to be part of the new brand. One of the fundamental tools of any paint manufacturer is the funnel (that cone-shaped container into which the paint is deposited before bottling). Who else but Vallejo can have a symbol inspired by their own funnel?... a symbol that is a container full of creativity and inspiration.
In addition, the symbol is an abstraction of the gesture that a hand makes to fill a brush with paint. The very concept of “container” is also present in the graphic universe (look&feel) and in brand architecture. Although the parent brand is built with a Lake Blue symbol, it is dyed throughout the product lines in the traditional colors of each range.
The new strategy will be gradually implemented in Vallejo over the coming months and will affect all areas of the business: innovation, manufacturing, distribution, finance and communications. In short, it will be necessary changes to keep Vallejo afloat as the color of its consumers' creativity.
Game Color
Vallejo's range for wargames and fantasy figures
In addition to changing the brand image to fully connect with their audience, Vallejo has taken the opportunity to embrace sustainability by replacing their current bottles with new r-PET ones that have less environmental impact and improved our formulation to enhance the user experience.
The colors will be the same, but there will be some new colors
A part of the color range will be more expensive as the others
Express Colors
When we need to paint multiple figures in a fast way, Xpress Color is the ideal choice, these matt colors are specifically formulated to paint miniatures in a fast and easy way.
The main characteristics are its excellent capillarity that allows the color to flow easily over the miniature surface, settling on all the reliefs and more intensely in the crevices of the figure, creating a contrast effect with a single layer of paint.
It’s recommended to apply Xpress Color on a white or grey primed or painted surface. The color will create light areas on the reliefs, saturated mid-tones and intense shadows in the crevices of the figure.
Like all Vallejo products, they are very versatile and can be applied over any color in the range to create soft shading and contouring effects, to create glazes or filters and to blend transitions between color tones.
Xpress Color can be mixed together, or can be diluted with Xpress Medium to modify or create new shades.
The range has been designed according to the BSL (Base, Shadow, Light) figure paint system, based on chromatically compatible groupings of three colors, which offers the less experienced painters for an easy choice of colors (shades) to paint miniatures with the appropriate highlights and shadows for each base color.
New bottle
The new fully transparent r-PET recyclable plastic bottle is completely transparent, improves color visualization and enhances AV’s commitment to sustainability and the environment.
In addition to the new bottle, the new cap includes a security seal.
Color Chart New Game Colors
color-chart-experience.pdf [233 KB]
Discontinued Game Colors Colors 2023
72002 Arctic White , 72017 Dark Blue, 72018 Stormy Blue, 72033 Livery Green
72037 Filthy Brown, 72041 Dwarf Skin, 72046 Ghost Grey, 72064 Yellow Olive
72065 Terracotta, 72097 Pale Yellow, 72105 Mutation Green, 72068 Smokey Ink
72092 Brown Ink, 72140 Heavy Skintone, 72141 Heavy Red, 72142 Heavy Violet
72143 Heavy Blue, 72144 Heavy Bluegrey, 72146 Heavy Green, 72147 Heavy Blackgreen
72149 Heavy Kakhi, 72150 Heavy Ochre, 72151 Heavy Gold Brown, 72152 Heavy Salmon Orange
72153 Heavy Brown, 72154 Heavy Siena, 72130 Rotten White, 72131 Rust
72132 Fresh Blood, 72133 Dried Blood, 72134 Vomit, 72135 Verdigris
72136 Dry Rust, 73202 Pale Grey, 73205 Green, 72131 Rust, 72132 Fresh Blood
72133 Dried Blood, 72134 Vomit, 72135 Verdigris, 72136 Dry Rust, 73202 Pale Grey
73205 Green