Train Weathering
Train Weathering
'Vallejo Train Colors:'
Train Color is a special series for painting and weathering steam locomotives
The paint and weathering process;
First of all look at the historical period in which the locomotive is located and what work
did it
The method is as follows
1. Remove the top of the train off to make it easier to weather the wheels and chassis
2. Split the tender of the locomotive to the model. Manageable
3. Use Liquid Mask (73.008) with an old paintbrush to safeguard that should not be painted all the details, the windows, the glass windshield, decals and headlights.
4. Start the weathering process from the bottom and work your way upwards. Use a round brush with color Basic Red (73.007) on the shaft ends and let it dry solid

5 . Mix the desired color with the color weathering Basic Rust (73.001) and Dirt (73.005) for the wheels and chassis . Bring to a round brush while you turned the wheels by hand . The drive rods are given a greasy effect with Grease & Oil (73.002) with a round brush and a cotton swab .
6. The contact points where the wheels hit the rails should be immediately cleaned with alcohol or Airbrush Cleaner .
7. The weathering color should be drybrushed until the desired effect is achieved. Various other components such as the revolving frame are also weathering a flat brush
8. Now mix the colors for the superstructure and tender . For rusted parts a mix of Basic Rust (73.001) and Basic Red (73.007) . The desired color can be made darker with Basic Brown (73.004) and Dirt (73.005)
9. Superstructure and tender should be painted in thin layers with a round brush to get the desired effect. Let the colors be between dry. Water stains can be made with Chalk White (73.006) using a cotton wool swab . If the effect is too strong you can update again with the weathering mix color .
10. Drybrusing to use the color Grease & Oil (73.002) bumpers.
11. Put the locomotive together . Remove the liquid mask with an old brush .

12. One of the final steps is to add coal in the tender . Be sure to use the correct scale coal . Use Matt Varnish (73.009) all glue for the tender and the coal and scatter the coals in the tender . Usually there are a few pieces of coal lying on the edges of the tender and the heating plate. Then use Grease & Oil (73.002) to display . Proper shiny effect
13. If there is coal in the tender were we recommend the coal Grease & Oil (73.002) to get the shiny effect and when it is dry , finish with Matt Varnish (73.009) on the coals to get a dull effect again. It consists eindresultsaat shiny and dull areas.
14. The most important parts of the locomotive prudent to highlight by dry- brushing with diluted Chalk White (73.006) .
15. The amount of weathering depends on the use of the locomotive . With Basic Brown (73.004) and Chalk White (73.006) and Dirt (73. 005) can make a worn appearance . With Steel (73.003) you can bare steel spots where the paint has worn total .
16. With Matt Varnish (73.009) can protect the matt parts of the completed model .